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AOWA Advocacy Fund


AOWA is the voice of the Alabama onsite wastewater industry.  Licensed installers, pumpers, manufacturers and other members rely on AOWA for representation in Montgomery, professional education, information, networking and opportunities for one-on-one dialogue with government leaders and agencies that impact the onsite wastewater industry.       

During the past two Alabama legislative sessions as AOWA worked to pass legislation to benefit our installers, opposition issues have arisen which required additional staff resources and legal assistance to address.  AOWA’s advocacy efforts have been very extensive during the 2020 and 2021 legislative sessions, with funding for these efforts coming from the annual budget.  In 2021 our legislative advocacy costs were approximately $20,000.  

AOWA has created the Advocacy Fund for the expressed purpose of educating Alabama governmental officials, industry organizations and their respective staffs regarding the issues affecting the onsite wastewater industry, as well as to ensure a reserve of funds to advocate for future industry issues.

Help make sure that AOWA voices continue to be heard in Montgomery - donate to the AOWA Advocacy Fund!

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Contact Us

Phone: (334) 396-3434

Email: cbaker@asginfo.net

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